Achyranthes aspera
Botanical Name:
Achyranthes aspera

Apamarga consists of dried whole plant of Achyranthes aspera Linn. , Family Amaranthaceae

Common Name(s) in English & Indian Languages
Sanskrit: Mayura, Mayuraka, Pratyakpuspa, Kharamaujar, Sikhari
Bengali: Apamg
English: Prickly Chaff Flower
Guajarati: Aghedo
Hindi: Chirchita, Latjira
Kannada: Uttarani
Malayalam: Katalati
Marathi: Aghada
Punjabi: Puthakanda
Tamil: Nayuruvi
Telugu: Uttarenu
Urdu: Chirchita

Botanical description:
Perennial herb, 50-100 cm tall, with thickened roots. Stems slightly pubescent, quadrangular, branched, nodes dilated. Leaves opposite, oblong or elliptic, slightly pubescent, 10-20 cm long, 4-10 cm wide, petiolate. Inflorescence spikes in axils and at terminals, elongate; bracts membranous, ovate-deltoid, with a green long-protruded midrib. Flowers horizontal, deflexed in fruit; bracteoles 3, subulate; perianth 5-parted; the segments linear-lanceolate, acuminate, 4-5 mm long, the inner ones slightly shorter; stamens 5, united at base; carpel 1; style 1, slender, erect, persistant in fruit. Fruit utricles oblong, about 2 mm long, 1 mm across, 1-seeded.

Parts used:
Whole plant

Major chemical constituents:

Therapeutic uses:
• Pain (Sula)
• Diseases of abdomen (Udara roga)
• Haemorrhoids (Arsa)
• Chronic lymphadenopathy / scrofula (Apaci)
• Itching (Kandu)
• Obesity (Medoroga)

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