Botanical Name:
Phyllanthus niruri L
Bhuiawala consists of root, stem and leaf of Phyllanthus
fraternus Webst. (Synonym Phyllanthus niruri Hook.f. non
Linn, Family Euphorbiaceae)
Common Name(s) in English & Indian Languages
Sanskrit: Bhumyamlaki
Assamese: Bhuiamloki
Bengali: Bhuinamla
English: Carry Me Seed
Hindi: Jar amla, Jangli amla
Kannada: Nela nelli
Malayalam: Keelar nelli
Marathi: Bhooyiaamli
Oriya: Bari amla
Tamil: Kizhanelli
Telugu: Nela usiri
Botanical description:
An erect, slender, glabrous, annual herb, 10-50cm tall. Stem
much branched, glabrous. Leaves distichous, numerous, obtuse
at apex, rounded at base. Petiole 1.2 – 1.5 mm long.
Stipules lanceolate. Flower numerous, axillary, green or
whitish. Male flower 0.1cm across, 1 – 3 together, tepals 5,
ovate, obtuse. Female flowers numerous, solitary, 1.5 –1.7mm
across. Tepal 5, oblong, obtuse. Ovary globose, 0.5 – 0.6mm
across, styles recurved, free, 2 lobed. Capsule depressed
globose, smooth, scarcely lobed. Seed brown, regularly, 3
gonous, 1.2 – 1.5mm long.
Parts used:
Root, stem, leaves
Major chemical constituents:
Therapeutic uses:
• Dyspepsia (Amlapitta)
• Cough (Kasa)
• Pthisis (Ksaya)
• Disease of skin (Kustha)
• Anaemia (Pandu)
• Urinary disorders (Prameha)
• Wound (Ksata)
• Urinary disorders (Mutraroga) |