Berberis aristata
Botanical Name:
Berberis aristata

Daruhalad consists of dried stem of Berberis aristata DC., Family

Common Name(s) in English & Indian Languages
Sanskrit: Katamkateri, Darvi
Bengali: Daruharidra
English: Indian Berberry
Guajarati: Daruharidra, Daruhuladur
Hindi: Daruhaldi, Darhald
Kannada: Maradarishana, Maradarishina, Daruhaladi
Malayalam: Maramannal, Maramanjal
Marathi: Daruhalad
Oriya: Daruharidra, Daruhalidi
Punjabi: Sumalu
Tamil: Gangeti, Varatiu manjal
Telugu: Manupasupu
Urdu: Darhald

Botanical description:
An erect, deciduous, heavily branched thorny shrub, up to 2 metres high. The thorny branches are angular, deeply grooved, initially brownish yellow, later becoming grey-white. The thorns are 1–2 cm long and protrude horizontally. The leaves are compound, obovate to elliptoid 2–4 cm long, and bear leaflets with dentate margins and spine. The flowers are 5–7 cm long in yellow, dense, hanging clusters. Sepals are yellow and petals are orange at the base. Ovary is superior with a flat stigma. The edible fruit is a bright, scarlet, oblong-cylindrical berry, 10–13 mm long and 6 mm thick, containing 2 seeds. The exocarp is membranous-coriaceous.

Parts used:
Root, Bark

Major chemical constituents:

Therapeutic uses:
• Itching (Kandu)
• Obesity (Medoroga)
• Diseases of mouth (Mukharoga)
• Ulcer (Vrana)
• Diarrhoea due to indigestion (Amatisara)
• Disease due to Kapha dosa (Kapharoga)
• Disease of ear (Karnaroga)
• Disease of eyes (Netraroga)
• Excessive flow of urine (Meha)

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