Botanical Name:
Gmelina arborea Roxb
Gambhari consists of dried, mature root and root bark of
arborea Roxb, Family Verbenaceae
Common Name(s) in English & Indian Languages
Sanskrit: Kasmari, Kasmarya, Sriparni
Assamese: Gamari
Bengali: Gamar
English: Candhar Tree
Guajarati: Shivani hannu, Shewan
Hindi: Gambhar Khambhari
Kannada: Shivani, Shivanigida
Malayalam: Kumizhu, Kumbil, Kumpil, Kumizhin
Marathi: Shivan
Oriya: Gambhari
Punjabi: Gumhar, Kumhar
Tamil: Nilakumizh
Telugu: Peggumudu, Peggumaddi
Botanical description:
Gmelina arborea is an unarmed, moderately sized to large
deciduous tree with a straight trunk. It is wide spreading
with numerous branches forming a large shady crown, attains
a height of 30 m or more and a diameter of up to 4.5 m. Bark
smooth, pale ashy-grey or grey to yellow with black patches
and conspicuous corky circular lenticels. Inside surface of
bark rapidly turns brown on exposure and exfoliates into
thick woody plates or scurfy flakes. Blaze pale orange and
mottled with a darker orange colour
Parts used:
Dried roots
Major chemical constituents:
Alkaloids and lignans (arboreal, isoarboreal and related
Therapeutic uses:
• Inflammation (Sotha)
• Burning sensation (Daha)
• Fever (Jvara)
• Thirst (Trsna)
• Piles (Arsa)