Picrorhiza kurroa Royle ex Benth
Botanical Name:
Picrorhiza kurroa Royle ex Benth

Kutki consists of the dried rhizome with root of Picrorhiza kurroa Royle ex Benth, Family Scrophulariaceae

Common Name(s) in English & Indian Languages
Sanskrit: Tikta, Tiktarohini, Kaurohini, Kavi, Sutiktaka, Kauka, Rohini
Assamese: Katki, Kutki
English: Hellebore
Guajarati: Kadu, Katu
Hindi: Kutki
Kannada: Katuka rohini, katuka rohini
Malayalam: Kaduk rohini, Katuka rohini
Marathi: Kutki, Kalikutki
Oriya: Katuki
Punjabi: Karru, kaur
Tamil: Katuka rohini, Katuku rohini, Kadugurohini
Telugu: Karukarohini
Urdu: Kutki

Botanical description:
A perennial herb with a long rhizome. The leaves are basal and alternate, approximately 5–10 cm long. Spikes terminal. Calyx nearly equally in 5 segments. The corolla has 4 or 5 lobes, bilobiate with lobes more or less spreading or nearly actinomorphic. Stamens 4, inserted on corolla tube, slightly didynamous, as long as corolla or strongly exerted. Stigma capitate. Fruit an acute capsule, tapered at top,dehiscing first septicidally and then loculicidally into 4 valves, 12 mm long. Seeds numerous, ellipsoid: seed coat very thick, transparent and alveolate.

Parts used:
Dried rhizome & root

Major chemical constituent:
Glycoside (Picrorhizin)

Therapeutic uses:
• Asthma (Svasa)
• Burning sensation (Daha)
• Fever (Jvara)
• Jaundice (Kamala)
• Diseases of skin (Kustha)
• Intermittent fever (Visamajvara)
• Tastelessness (Arocaka)

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