Botanical Name:
Syzygium aromaticum
Lavanga is the dried flower bud & / or dried bark of
Syzygium aromaticum (Linn.) Merr. & L.M. Perry (Synonyms
Eugenia jambolana Lam, E. cuminii Druce.), Family Myrtaceae
Common Name(s) in English & Indian Languages
Sanskrit: Devapuspa
Assamese: Lavang, Lan, Long
Bengali: Lavang
English: Clove
Guajarati: Lavang, Laving
Hindi: Lavanga, Laung
Kannada: Lavanga
Kashmiri: Rung
Malayalam: Karampu, Karayarnpoovu, Grampu
Marathi: Lavang
Oriya: Labanga
Punjabi: Laung, Long
Tamil: Kirambu, Lavangam
Telugu: Lavangalu
Urdu: Qarnful, Laung
Botanical description:
A large evergreen tree. Bark smooth, branches terete,
glabrous with shallow depressions caused by exfoliation.
Leaves glabrous with oblong or elliptic oblong, acute or
acuminate shining, cariocesous, 6-15 cm by 3-6 cm, usually
shortly acuminate, gland dotted, base cuneate, petioles upto
2.5cm long, flower fragrant, tetramerous, small,greenish,
subsessile in trichotomous panicles. Auxiliary cyme on old
branches. Hypanthium turbinate 0.1 – 0.2” long. Calyx
shortly turbinate, limb obscurely 4 lobed, zero in number.
Petals usually 4, cream colour, calyptrate, berry ellipsoid
or oblong, often curved. Varies much in size, shining black
when ripe, juicy, 1 – 2.5cm long, crowned with persistent
calyx limb. One seeded. The heartwood is reddish, hard &
Parts used:
Flower bud, dried bark
Major chemical constituent:
Essential oils (eugenalacetate and caryophyllene)
Therapeutic uses:
• Rheumatism (Amlapitta)
• Asthma (Svasa)
• Emesis (Chardi)
• Flatulance with gurgling sound (Adhmana)
• Hiccup (Hikka)
• Cough (Kasa)
• Pthisis (Ksaya)
• Thirst (Trsna) |