Azadirachta indica
Botanical Name:
Azadirachta indica

Neem consists of dried root bark of Azadirachta indica A. Juss. (Synonym Melia azadirachta Linn), Family Meliaceae

Common Name(s) in English & Indian Languages
Sanskrit: Arista, Picumarda
Assamese: Mahanim
Bengali: Nim, Nimgach
English: Margosa Tree
Guajarati: Limba, Limbado, Limado, Kohumba
Hindi: Nim, Nimba
Kannada: Nimba, Bevu, Oilevevu, Kahibevu, Bevinama
Malayalam: Veppu, Aryaveppu, Nimbam, Veppa
Marathi: Balantanimba, Limba, Bakayan, Nim, Kadunimb
Oriya: Nimba
Punjabi: Nimba, Bakan, Nim
Tamil: Vemmu, Veppu, Arulundi, Veppan
Telugu: Vemu, Vepa
Urdu: Neem

Botanical description:
This is a large tree up to 20m tall. Leaves 20-30 cm long, crowded at the end of branches, alternate, exstipulate imparipinnate, lenceolete, closely clustered towards the ends of branches. Serrate margine, green, oblique at base, acuminate at apex lateral ones sessile to sub sessile terminal one with long petiolule upto 4cm. flowers white upto 0.8 mm diameter. Inflorescence – axillary cymose panicles ore present. Calyx lobes obtuse, petal upto 5mm long, linear,oblong, obtuse at apex, drupe up to 1cm long, oblong, yellow when ripe & green when ripe. Seeds ellipsoid, catyledons thick, fleshy & oily. Bark-thick, rough, brown in colour, longitudinally obliquely furrowed. Internally starchy white, laminated with characteristic smell of neem & bitter in taste

Parts used:
Roots, bark

Major chemical constituent:
Tetranortriterpenoids, Margocin, Nimbidiol, Nimbolicin, Azadirinin

Therapeutic uses:
• Inflammation (Sotha)
• Tastelessness (Aruci)
• Asthma (Svasa)
• Emesis (Chardi)
• Burning sensation (Daha)
• Non-healing ulcer (Dusta Vrana)
• Malabsrption syndrome (Grahani)
• Fever (Jvara)
• Cough (Kasa)
• Worm infestation (Krmiroga)
• Disease due to kapha dosa (Kaphavikara)
• Diseases of skin (Kustha)
• Increased frequency and turbidity of urine (Prameha)
• Bleeding disorder (Raktapitta)
• Thirst (Trsna)
• Nausea (Hrllasa)
• Disorder of liver (Yakrtvikara)

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