Bergenia ligulata
Botanical Name:
Bergenia ligulata

Pashanbheda consists of rhizomes of Bergenia ciliata (Haw) Sternb, (Synonym Bergenia ligulata (Wall) Engl), Family Saxifragaceae

Common Name(s) in English & Indian Languages
Sanskrit: Asmabhedaka, Silabheda
Assamese: Patharkuchi
Bengali: Patharkuchi, Himasagara, Patrankur
English: Winter Begonia
Guajarati: Pashanbheda, Pakhanbheda
Hindi: Pakhanabheda, Silphara, Patharcua, Pakhanabhed, Silpbheda
Kannada: Alepgaya, Pahanbhedi, Hittaga, Pasanaberu, Hittulaka
Kashmiri: Pashanbhed
Malayalam: Kallurvanchi, Kallurvanni, Kallorvanchi
Marathi: Pashanbheda
Oriya: Pasanbhedi, Pashanabheda
Punjabi: Kachalu, Pashanbhed
Tamil: Sirupilai
Telugu: Kondapindi

Botanical description:
It is a small perennial climbing plant that grows well in moist and shady hilly areas, especially in the foothills of the Himalayas and the Khasi hills of Assam. The stems are shortened thick and the leaves ovate and bright red seasonally. The flowers are white, pink or purple.

Parts used:

Major chemical constituent:
Tannic acid, Gallic acid and glucose

Therapeutic uses:
• Calculus (Asmari)
• Excessive flow of urine (Meha)
• Dysuria (Mutrakicchra)

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