Pterocarpus santalinus
Botanical Name:
Pterocarpus santalinus

Raktacandana consists of heart wood of Pterocarpus santalinus Linn, Family Fabaceae

Common Name(s) in English & Indian Languages
Sanskrit: Raktanga, Ksudracndana, Raktasara
Assamese: Sandale, Sandal Ahmar
Bengali: Raktachandana
English: Red Sanders, Red Sandal Wood
Guajarati: Ratanjali, Lalchandan
Hindi: Raktachandanam, Lalchandana
Kannada: Raktha Chandanam
Malayalam: Rakta Chandanam
Marathi: Rakta Chandana
Punjabi: Lal Chandan
Tamil: Senchandanam
Telugu: Erra Chandanamu
Urdu: Sandal Surkh

Botanical description:
It is a light-demanding small tree growing to 8 m tall with a trunk 50–150 cm diameter. It is fast-growing when young, reaching 5 m tall in three years even on degraded soils. It is not frost tolerant, being killed by temperatures of −1 °C. The leaves are alternate, 3–9 cm long, trifoliate with three leaflets. The flowers are produced in short racemes. The fruit is a pod 6–9 cm long containing one or two seeds. The heartwood as occurs in trade is long and rectangular, lumpy with removed barks or slices, yellowish brown -yellowish orange, 1 m long, and 7 ~ 15 cm wide. The cross-section is exhibited with dark and faint colored layers like the annual rings; the texture is hard, difficult to snap off, and fibrous. It smells characteristic, and is tasteless.

Parts used:
Heart wood

Major chemical constituent:
Anthocyanin, Saponins, Tannins, Phenols, Triterpenoids, Flavonoids, Glycosides, Glycerides

Therapeutic uses:
• Emesis (Chardi)
• Thirst (Trsna)
• Vitiation of Blood and its components (Raktadosahara)
• Skin disease (Tvara)
• Ulcer (Vrana)

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