Botanical Name:
Desmodium gangeticum
Definition: Shalaparni consists of dried root of Desmodium
gangeticum DC, Family Fabaceae
Common Name(s) in English & Indian Languages
Sanskrit: Salaparni, Sthira, Triparni, Vidarigandha,
Bengali: Shalpaani
English: Sal Leaved Desmodium
Guajarati: Saalvan, Sameravo
Hindi: Sarivan, Saalapaani, Salpan
Kannada: Murelchonne, Kolakannaru
Malayalam: Orila
Marathi: Saalvan, Sarvan
Oriya: Saloparnni, Salpatri
Punjabi: Sarivan, Shalpurni
Tamil: Pulladi, Orila, Moovilai
Telugu: Kolakuponna, Kolaponna
Urdu: Shalwan
Botanical description:
Desmodium gangeticum is a nearly erect under shrub, 0.6-1.2
m high. Tap root, poorly developed, but lateral roots 15-30
cm long, and 0.1-0.8 cm thick, uniformly cylindrical with a
number of branches; surface smooth bearing a number of
transverse, light brown lenticels, bacterial nodules
frequently present; light yellow; fracture fibrous; odor not
characteristic; taste, sweetish and mucilaginous.
Parts used:
Dried roots
Major chemical constituent:
Therapeutic uses:
• Fever (Jvara)
• Excessive flow of urine (Meha)
• Piles (Arsa)
• Emesis (Chardi)
• Oedema (Sopha)
• Asthma (Svasa)
• Cough (Kasahara)
• Worm infestation (Krmi)
• Tuberculosis (Rajayksma)
• Disease of eye (Nerta Roga)
• Rakta affected by Vata Dosa (Rakta Gata Vata)
• Malpresentation of the foetus (Mudha Garbha) |