“Trikatu powder”
Trikatu powder is a simple formulation made by mixing fine powders of three herbal drugs in equal quantity, namely, Saunth (Zingiber officinale), Miri (Piper nigrum) and Pippali (Piper longum)

1. Saunth (Zingiber officinale):
Consists of dried rhizome of Zingiber officinale Roxb, Family Zingiberaceae

Botanical description:
A perennial herb with a subterranean, digitately branched rhizome; stems up to 1.50 m in height with linear lanceolate sheathing leaves (5–30cm long and 8–20 mm wide) that are alternate, smooth and pale green. Flower stems shorter than leaf stems and bearing a few flowers, each surrounded by a thin bract and situated in axils of large, greenish yellow obtuse bracts, which are closely arranged at end of flower stem forming collectively an ovate-oblong spike.

Parts used:
Dried rhizome

Major chemical constituent:
Essential oil, pungent constituents (gingerol and shogaol), resinous matter and starch

2. Miri (Piper nigrum):
Consists of fully mature dried fruit of Piper nigrum Linn, Family Piperaceae

Botanical description:
Piper nigrum L. is a perennial woody vine with aerial roots at the stem nodes. Leaves are shiny, broad, alternate and heart-shaped. Flowers are small and white. The fruits are globular berries, about 5 mm in diameter, green when unripe but turn bright red upon maturity and each bears a single seed.

Parts used:

Major chemical constituent:
Alkaloids (Piperine, Chavicine, Piperidine, Piperetine) and Essential Oil.

3. Pippali (Piper longum):
Consists of dried, cut, stem pieces of Piper longum Linn, Family Piperaceae

Botanical description:
A slender, aromatic, creeping perennial shrub up to 7m high, robust and fairly succulent. Leaves cordate, pointed, smooth and green on both sides, up to 25 cm long. Root can reach 60cm in length and 8 cm in diameter; may eventually become a heavy knotted mass, 8–25 cm wide. Petioles up to 6 cm long; flowers in irregular spadices with lateral root up to 3m long

Parts used:
Dried rhizome

Major chemical constituent:
Alkaloids (Piperine, Piperlongumine, Piperlonguminine etc), Essential Oils

Therapeutic uses of Trikatu:
• Anti-inflammatory
• Analgesic
• Expectorant
• Digestive
• Carminative

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